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More info soon for 2023-2024...

Follow our social media or website to stay tuned


Innovation and Protection:

Insights from a patent engineer

Collaboration with Gevers

Speakers: Safa Safdar

January 24th, 2023

In person event - Leuven

Life as a scientific analyst

Collaboration with Droia Ventures

Speakers: Mathias Declerq and Rindert Missiaen

November 23rd, 2022

In person event - Leuven

Introduction to Venture Capital 

Collaboration with Capricorn Partners

Speaker: Antoine D'Hollander

June 1st, 2022

Online format

From PhD to Start-Up

Speaker: Filip Delport (FOx Biosystems)

Speaker: Danny Verboekend (Zeopore)

February 15th, 2022

Online format

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